miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Vocabulary: New Words in English For Me

During this partial, I have learnt some words in english and its meaning.

The weekends I have watched TV programs, movies, documentals and also I have read books, magazines and there was unknown words for me. So I investigated its meaning.

The last weekend I read a book of urban landscape, there was a couple of words whitch. I don't  know "development" and footpaths. The book is "Urban Landscape" by Agata Losantos. The Sunday I listened rock's music. The song's name is " In the end" by Linkin Park, there was a part of the letter whitch I don't entender " In due time".

There was others unknown words like "Hiatus", this word I listened in a movie, its name is "Invasion". In the movie " The Proposal"  I listened the word " Fibber" and "Bucketful"

I read an article of WWII, There was some words like "Trench", "Pain", "Paratroops", "Holdup", "Ticklish". I like this reading because there was many unknown words. Now I have learnt more words and I am happy.

     -Development: Desarrollo, crecimiento, proyecto
     -In due time: A la larga
     -Hiatus: Hueco
     -Fibber: Mentirosill@
     -Bucketful: Cubo, cubeta
     -Trench: Zanja, Trinchera
     -Pain: Dolor, sufrimiento
     -Paratroops: Tropas Paracaidistas
     -Holdup: Embotellamiento, atraco, asalto
     -Ticklish:Delicado, espinoso.

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