viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Research Report


In Mexico, the green areas in the offices of work are scarce, this affects each of the workers because they are not in an atmosphere of comfort, because the presence of plants inside the offices stimulate the workers and generates a pleasant atmosphere and Can increase productivity in them. Also the lack of relaxation activities are a key to worker productivity.

- Performing relaxation activities in the offices can stimulate worker productivity.
- Implementing more green areas within workplaces could help workers not sit in a stressful environment and therefore lack adequate productivity.
- Providing workers with rest areas where there are green areas can generate a better working environment within the offices, the result will be high productivity in the work activities within the offices.

While typical workplaces that do not have green areas or do not perform relaxation activities for their workers are likely to have a poor level of performance in companies. So many experts say that if they create a pleasant atmosphere within the offices they can feel better workers.

Improving the workspaces.
Nowadays workspaces have new technologies which are applied so that the worker has a greater work performance, but if these technologies are used to generate a good atmosphere within them, workers may feel less tension in a space closed.

- Having plants in each of the offices or cubicles can create a better environment for workers.
- Providing rest and relaxation spaces for workers, and stimulating the work performance of workers.
- Performing a series of relaxation activities can reduce the stress and tension felt by workers when they are in a confined and limited space.

Studies carried out by specialists say that having a plant in a work area can give the worker a better working environment, since having an organism that produces oxygen, people feel less tense when in a closed place and can feel fresher And nice place where they are.

In conclusion, the implementation of plants in the offices and the realization of relaxation activities for at least 15 minutes a day, will give the worker a positive stimulation which can increase his level of productivity in the activities he performs inside the offices.

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