lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Scholarship to study a masters degree

I was looking for some scholarship at universities of architecture in United States of America, Canada and Australia. Monash University, an University located in Australia. its scholarship es very interesting because it has a educative offer very good.

The sholarship offers you $6000 to study full time and also cover subjects 48 credits. To obtain the scholarship is neccesary meet certain requirements like:

- Conclude a carrer in archeticture with an average of 70% of the carrer
- To have a permanent residence visa in the country

This requirements is not difficult to meet, theses are very easy but nevertheless they must comply with certain rules like:

- To maintain an average minimum of 70% percent
- Have their registration updated.

In general, theses are requirements for to study on this university, very internationally recognized also offers hosting at no cost, only they ask you to give it your best shot.

Here is the link of the official website:

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Research Team

This is video about the presentation of research team.

Organic Architecture

This exposition was very interesting. A learned about the organic architecture, before I did not call my attention but before this great exposition I am interested in this topic. Senosiano is an architec very good, his desings is focused to a harmony between architecture and nature.

The main desing that I like them was “La Casa Organica”. This is a space adapted to the needs of man like environmental, physical and psychological. This house looking likeness with womb of woman, animal shelters, shelters of man like the caverns unchanged.

The house has continuous spaces, extensive, integrals, liberators, the desing looking spaces where man flow no problema. The Green áreas are key for that Senosiano’s desing because they were the esthetic part.

The exposition had sketches, drawings and models about this house, for me “La casa organica” is the best project of the exposition because in it has a connection with the nature.

My desings are inspired in the projects of Senosiano, on future I would like desing like this architec, one of the best in Mexico.

Alejandro Aravena, the Architect Rebuilding a Country

This article says about Alejandro Aravena, an architec from Chile, he is who won a Pritzker by his desings. When Chile was destroyed in 2010 by a earthquake and a tsunami. Aravena was to the disater zone for rebuilding.

He was focusing more by the society, rebuilding their  households, some companies of construction porposed building a dam of protection on the coast, but nevertheless the population weren´t agree. First ther should rebuilding their houses and other important  places like green áreas, parks, etc. Aravena was agree, he like first the places of society aspect.

A example of this is Villa Verde, a project of living place located on north of Chile , it was a porpose in 2003 due to lack of households theses has two nivels and a garden. Other porpose was a project where the plots already they had facilities like wáter, sewer system, gas and electricity, the people could their houses to your taste.

Aravena interviewed to pleople of Villa Verde, a family which was conformed by husband, wife and two children. They bougth only half of house, over time they got to pay the other half, building to your taste.

In this way Aravena has realized that sociality aspect is very important for his desings and that the buildings in Chile are changing the architecture of this nation.

Aravena gives more importance to sociality aspect that his desing and because he has much fame in Chile.