lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Scholarship to study a masters degree

I was looking for some scholarship at universities of architecture in United States of America, Canada and Australia. Monash University, an University located in Australia. its scholarship es very interesting because it has a educative offer very good.

The sholarship offers you $6000 to study full time and also cover subjects 48 credits. To obtain the scholarship is neccesary meet certain requirements like:

- Conclude a carrer in archeticture with an average of 70% of the carrer
- To have a permanent residence visa in the country

This requirements is not difficult to meet, theses are very easy but nevertheless they must comply with certain rules like:

- To maintain an average minimum of 70% percent
- Have their registration updated.

In general, theses are requirements for to study on this university, very internationally recognized also offers hosting at no cost, only they ask you to give it your best shot.

Here is the link of the official website:

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