viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Research Report


In Mexico, the green areas in the offices of work are scarce, this affects each of the workers because they are not in an atmosphere of comfort, because the presence of plants inside the offices stimulate the workers and generates a pleasant atmosphere and Can increase productivity in them. Also the lack of relaxation activities are a key to worker productivity.

- Performing relaxation activities in the offices can stimulate worker productivity.
- Implementing more green areas within workplaces could help workers not sit in a stressful environment and therefore lack adequate productivity.
- Providing workers with rest areas where there are green areas can generate a better working environment within the offices, the result will be high productivity in the work activities within the offices.

While typical workplaces that do not have green areas or do not perform relaxation activities for their workers are likely to have a poor level of performance in companies. So many experts say that if they create a pleasant atmosphere within the offices they can feel better workers.

Improving the workspaces.
Nowadays workspaces have new technologies which are applied so that the worker has a greater work performance, but if these technologies are used to generate a good atmosphere within them, workers may feel less tension in a space closed.

- Having plants in each of the offices or cubicles can create a better environment for workers.
- Providing rest and relaxation spaces for workers, and stimulating the work performance of workers.
- Performing a series of relaxation activities can reduce the stress and tension felt by workers when they are in a confined and limited space.

Studies carried out by specialists say that having a plant in a work area can give the worker a better working environment, since having an organism that produces oxygen, people feel less tense when in a closed place and can feel fresher And nice place where they are.

In conclusion, the implementation of plants in the offices and the realization of relaxation activities for at least 15 minutes a day, will give the worker a positive stimulation which can increase his level of productivity in the activities he performs inside the offices.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Architecture Article

I found a very interesting article of architecture, related to the environment. In Mexico the accumulation of garbage in all its cities is an increasing problem, reason why Mexican architects have invented a block that is made of garbage. The wastes used for its manufacture are PET, plastic, paper, cardboard.

The civil engineer Cruz Romero Carmona is the creator of this block, design a machine that shreds all the trash and then this is submerged in water to form a kind of paste, which happens to some models and later is placed in the sun For their total drying.

Design four types of block, one is used to assemble slabs, the second is used to assemble walls, the third is used to assemble floors and another to be assembled.

The goal of this block is to recycle all the garbage we generate and have a vision of these wastes, the engineer seeks social welfare in the state of Veracruz, is now working in conjunction with the state government to promote this innovative idea. This block is used for the construction of low-cost housing for people with limited resources.

It is planned to implement this type block for the design of prototypes of cheap houses which will have an area of ​​50 square meters.

For a house with this area requires three tons of garbage, that means that the recycling of waste is large and therefore will reduce the problem of garbage in Xalapa. Its advantages are that they reduce the construction time, the cost of the breed is 50%.

It is a very interesting article because it shows us that Mexicans use their knowledge for the common good.

My Architecture Ad

Our company specializes in each of the branches of the construction, from architectural plans to the necessary procedures for the construction of buildings.

We are engineers and architects dedicated to the design and execution of projects of any type.

I have designed this advertisement about my construction company. In the offer I offer the services that I am studying in the race. I would like to be able to build my construction company with the support of colleagues, each one that is specialized in a branch of the construction, the objective is to have the most specialized company.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Scholarship to study a masters degree

I was looking for some scholarship at universities of architecture in United States of America, Canada and Australia. Monash University, an University located in Australia. its scholarship es very interesting because it has a educative offer very good.

The sholarship offers you $6000 to study full time and also cover subjects 48 credits. To obtain the scholarship is neccesary meet certain requirements like:

- Conclude a carrer in archeticture with an average of 70% of the carrer
- To have a permanent residence visa in the country

This requirements is not difficult to meet, theses are very easy but nevertheless they must comply with certain rules like:

- To maintain an average minimum of 70% percent
- Have their registration updated.

In general, theses are requirements for to study on this university, very internationally recognized also offers hosting at no cost, only they ask you to give it your best shot.

Here is the link of the official website:

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Research Team

This is video about the presentation of research team.

Organic Architecture

This exposition was very interesting. A learned about the organic architecture, before I did not call my attention but before this great exposition I am interested in this topic. Senosiano is an architec very good, his desings is focused to a harmony between architecture and nature.

The main desing that I like them was “La Casa Organica”. This is a space adapted to the needs of man like environmental, physical and psychological. This house looking likeness with womb of woman, animal shelters, shelters of man like the caverns unchanged.

The house has continuous spaces, extensive, integrals, liberators, the desing looking spaces where man flow no problema. The Green áreas are key for that Senosiano’s desing because they were the esthetic part.

The exposition had sketches, drawings and models about this house, for me “La casa organica” is the best project of the exposition because in it has a connection with the nature.

My desings are inspired in the projects of Senosiano, on future I would like desing like this architec, one of the best in Mexico.

Alejandro Aravena, the Architect Rebuilding a Country

This article says about Alejandro Aravena, an architec from Chile, he is who won a Pritzker by his desings. When Chile was destroyed in 2010 by a earthquake and a tsunami. Aravena was to the disater zone for rebuilding.

He was focusing more by the society, rebuilding their  households, some companies of construction porposed building a dam of protection on the coast, but nevertheless the population weren´t agree. First ther should rebuilding their houses and other important  places like green áreas, parks, etc. Aravena was agree, he like first the places of society aspect.

A example of this is Villa Verde, a project of living place located on north of Chile , it was a porpose in 2003 due to lack of households theses has two nivels and a garden. Other porpose was a project where the plots already they had facilities like wáter, sewer system, gas and electricity, the people could their houses to your taste.

Aravena interviewed to pleople of Villa Verde, a family which was conformed by husband, wife and two children. They bougth only half of house, over time they got to pay the other half, building to your taste.

In this way Aravena has realized that sociality aspect is very important for his desings and that the buildings in Chile are changing the architecture of this nation.

Aravena gives more importance to sociality aspect that his desing and because he has much fame in Chile.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Vocabulary: New Words in English For Me

During this partial, I have learnt some words in english and its meaning.

The weekends I have watched TV programs, movies, documentals and also I have read books, magazines and there was unknown words for me. So I investigated its meaning.

The last weekend I read a book of urban landscape, there was a couple of words whitch. I don't  know "development" and footpaths. The book is "Urban Landscape" by Agata Losantos. The Sunday I listened rock's music. The song's name is " In the end" by Linkin Park, there was a part of the letter whitch I don't entender " In due time".

There was others unknown words like "Hiatus", this word I listened in a movie, its name is "Invasion". In the movie " The Proposal"  I listened the word " Fibber" and "Bucketful"

I read an article of WWII, There was some words like "Trench", "Pain", "Paratroops", "Holdup", "Ticklish". I like this reading because there was many unknown words. Now I have learnt more words and I am happy.

     -Development: Desarrollo, crecimiento, proyecto
     -In due time: A la larga
     -Hiatus: Hueco
     -Fibber: Mentirosill@
     -Bucketful: Cubo, cubeta
     -Trench: Zanja, Trinchera
     -Pain: Dolor, sufrimiento
     -Paratroops: Tropas Paracaidistas
     -Holdup: Embotellamiento, atraco, asalto
     -Ticklish:Delicado, espinoso.

Linkedin My Account

Now I have a account in Linkedin, I will look a job in this page.
It's my link:

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

e-mail For My Recent Graduate Friend

Hi Edward, I know that you are looking a job, I wish help you. I have 3 councils for you when you are in a interview:

      1- You could think about your skills, what you like do?

      2- You could think what pleaces you like working, outside or inside of a building

      3- You could talk about your goals in your life

I wish you lucky friend.

Atte: Juventino


Well now , I talk about me in the english

My Goals

- I will be able to talk in english with fluency
- I will be able to read better texts, articles, stories, etc
- I will be able to improve my writing
- I will be able to learn new words in english

My Strengts

- I can understand the texts with facility
- I can learn the grammatical structures with facility
- I can identify the words for its writing in the texts but not its meaning

My Weaknesses

- I can't talk in english with fluency
- I can't learn the meaning of some words
- I can't understand a dialogue between two person

I will strive this semester in english and improve my writing , my form of talk and learn new words 
This Partial I have improved my english. I learnt new words and I understand better a dialogue between two person. I think that I have improved 70%, down there is a diagram of my progress this partial.